eSmart School
Geelong East Primary School is an eSmart School
What is eSmart?

About eSmart Schools
eSmart Schools is a behaviour-change initiative designed to help schools improve cybersafety and reduce cyberbullying and bullying.
eSmart Schools provides a framework that guides the introduction of policies, practices and whole-school change processes to support the creation of a cybersafe or eSmart environment.
eSmart Schools was developed by RMIT University in consultation with cybersafety, bullying, education and industry experts from across Australia. In 2010, eSmart was piloted in 159 schools across Australia with funding from the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).
An independent evaluation of the eSmart Schools pilot found that 96 per cent of pilot schools would recommend eSmart to other schools. As of January 2014, over 2, 200 Australian schools are participating in eSmart.
What is an eSmart school?
An eSmart school is a school where the smart, safe and responsible use of information and communications technology is a cultural norm. Students, teachers and the wider school community are equipped to embrace the best these technologies can offer, while being savvy about the pitfalls.