Teaching & Learning

The Victorian teaching and learning model brings the framework for improving student outcomes (FISO) into the classroom. It creates a line of sight between the whole-school improvement approach and classroom practice.
The model allows teachers and school leaders to:
- focus on high impact improvement initiatives
- drive those initiatives through evidence-based decisions about their teaching and student learning.
Four components of the model
The Victorian teaching and learning model consists of four components:
- A vision for learning helps create a unified set of values and beliefs to drive a high performance learning culture.
- The practice principles for excellence in teaching and learning (practice principles) are nine signature pedagogies which make the difference in improving student achievement and motivation.
- The pedagogical model describes what effective teaching looks like in the classroom and helps teachers apply the practice principles.
- The high impact teaching strategies (HITS) are ten instructional practices that reliably increase student learning wherever they are applied.
Each component articulates how FISO is enacted in teaching and learning